5 Non-Negotiables of Youth Ministry


I often get asked the question “What should our student ministry consist of?” So, I thought I would share what I consider to be five of the non-negotiables of student ministry. This is by no means a comprehensive list and its not to say that other components of student ministry aren’t important. I am just saying that after 18+ years in student ministry, if I was starting over today these are the things I would focus on right away. 


1.    Authentic Relationships 


To quote a mantra in circles I travel in “Life change happens in the context of relationships” I whole heartedly believe this. In fact, I would take it a step farther and say that life change happens in the context of three relationships… peer, mentor & mentee. 


I believe that it is imperative for us to create opportunities for students to engage in all of these levels of relationship within our student ministries. We can’t simply create spaces for peer relationships because no true discipleship and development will take place. If we focus solely on mentor relationships and don’t create peer relationships students won’t come. And by not creating opportunities for students to mentor other students (I.e.… Student Leadership) we aren’t building a student ministry that will outlive ourselves. 


2.    Services


I know… sounds like a no-brainer, right? I get it. You’re probably reading this and thinking…  This guy is stating the obvious. So, let me say that I believe we need to focus on creating Intentional Service Experiences for our students. 


Have you ever really evaluated what your servicers look like and who they are designed to reach? What if we looked at every element of our service i.e.… Environment, Worship, Message, Emcee’s, Games, Groups, etc.… and asked, who are they designed to reach? If I am creating an experience for Churched students to Worship that should look different than if I am trying to create a space where an unchurched student can walk through the doors and connect with what we are doing. 


I believe creating intentional service experiences is vital to building a healthy and thriving student ministry. 


3.    Leadership Team 


Leaders are probably our greatest asset in student ministry. I would encourage you to build a ministry that is focused on building leaders. Adult and student leaders are both an essential part of a thriving student ministry. 


Don’t write off leaders because they are too old or to young. Some of the greatest leaders I have worked with were twice my age and some were less than half my age. If we become narrow minded on who we allow to serve in our ministries we will be missing the mark and doing our students an injustice. 


4.    Layers 


Often times we become too one-dimensional in our approach to reaching students. We offer a weekly youth service and think our job is done. Students are not one size fits all and our ministries shouldn’t be either. 


Creating layers is really about creating multiple connection points that will reach different types of students where they are at. This could mean offering things like… fun events, spiritually focused events, trips, services, small groups, etc.… 


Are we creating layers that will connect with students where they are at? 


5.    Missions 


I have found it incredibly effective to develop a missional culture within student ministry. In fact, I have taken middle school and high school students all over the world. And it is one of the most life changing experiences I have been a part of. 


Students need to engage in something bigger than themselves. They need to see that there are others around the world who are less fortunate, lost, and in need of a savior. 


Giving students a cause is always going to be a win. And once a student experiences leading someone to Christ or meeting a practical need it changes them in a positive way. In fact, I have seen missions be a springboard into leadership. 


I will be posting some blogs in the future and digging into some of these areas a bit more. I hope this helps you as you are thinking or re-thinking through what your student ministry should consist of.



Matt Moore

Pastor & Author of Intentional Youth Ministry 

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